Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Year Title Sort descending Source Author Type File
1972 Excerpted Presentations from the Volunteer Management Certificate Program at University of Colorado

This video was filmed on the 25th anniversary of the UC Volunteer Management Certificate program, founded in 1972 by Marlene Wilson.  It provides a rare opportunity to see and hear 10 of the well-known trainers and thought leaders of the 20th century:  Marlene Wilson, Mike King, Jane Justis, Betty Stallings, Marilyn MacKenzie, Violet Malone, Elaine Yarborough, Mike Murray, Donna Ewey, and Arlene Schindler.  Each presentation addresses one of the elements of volunteer management practice, including Recruitment, Interviewing, Conflict Management, Training and Recognition. This timeless content remains relevant and inspiring for both new leaders of volunteer engagement and those with more experience in the field. 
Length: 1 hour, 12 minutes.

UC Volunteer Management Certificate program Marlene Wilson, Betty Stallings, Jane Leighty Justis, Marilyn MacKenzie, Arlene K. Schindler Videos
1977 State Office of Volunteerism Program: A Study Paper
ACTION: Office of Special Volunteer Programs, Washington, DC, February 1977 Arlene K. Schindler, J. Dale Chastain Report / Study Download
1980 Training Volunteers: Careful Planning and Effective Management
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1980 Bob Presson, James D. Jorgensen, Arlene K. Schindler, J. Dale Chastain, Mike Whittaker Article Download
2002 Wing With Volunteer Administration For the New Century!
Journal of Volunteer Administration Arlene K. Schindler Article Download