Katherine H. Campbell, CVA is the head archivist for the Ellis Archive.
Katie has been associated with the field of nonprofit and volunteer management for over 30 years as practitioner, trainer, author, and leader. Her career began in 1973 at the Philadelphia Family Court, where she first met Susan and helped develop an extensive volunteer program. For 14 years, she next worked at the Virginia Office of Volunteerism, eventually becoming director. From 1997 to 2003, she served as executive director of the international Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). And from 2006 to 2016, Katie served as Executive Director of the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA), managing professional credentialing programs for leaders of volunteers. She has taught at several Virginia colleges, and holds the Certified in Volunteer Administration credential. Katie is currently working part-time as an independent consultant and manages the local Service Enterprise program in Richmond, Virginia.
Katie has worked on the Archive since its creation in 2019. When the Ellis Archive launched, Katie shared the following introduction.