Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 1801 - 1850 of 2343
Year Title Sort descending Source Author Type File
2002 Tipping the Balance: Report and Recommendations to Government on Supporting and Developing Volunteering in Ireland
National Committee on Volunteering, Ireland Report / Study Download
1995 Tips for Leadership/Administrative Volunteers: What the Volunteer Program Manager or Supervisor Can Do
Adapted from The (Help!) I-Don't-Have-Enough-Time Guide to Volunteer Management by Campbell & Ellis Jackie Specken Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1999 Tips for Recruiting, Supporting and Managing Volunteers
Community Links newsletter, National Sheriffs' Association, Winter 1999 Article Download
1989 Today's Volunteer Administrator: A MANAGER of Volunteer Services
Voluntary Action Leadership, Winter 1989-90 Virginia M. Cronk Article Download
1987 Together We Can Make A Difference in a Girl's Life (recruitment samples for Girl Scouts in Black, Asian, Hispanic & American Indian communities)
Girl Scouts of America Sample Download
1986 Tools for Training Volunteers
Voluntary Action Leadership, Winter 1986 Article Download
2002 Top 10 Trends in Volunteering in Canada (Canada)
Journal of Volunteer Administration Paddy Bowen Article Download
1975 Top Management Self-Checklist in Regard to Volunteer Programs
National Information Center on Volunteerism, Inc. (NICOV), Boulder, CO Ivan H. Scheier Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2002 Top Trends in Volunteering
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.7, No.2, 2002 Paddy Bowen Download
1994 Total Quality and Volunteer Program Management: Understanding and Making the Link Happen
Association for Volunteer Administration and Points of Light Foundation Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1991 Tough Choices: The Challenge of Leadership in the 90's
Journal of Volunteer Administration Judith V. Waymire Article Download
1984 Tournament of Roses Parade: A Salute to the Volunteer Has Local Impact (media advisory)
Mayor's Voluntary Action Center, Office of the Mayor, New York, NY Download
1987 Town Meeting Simulation (An Exercise)
Susan J. Ellis Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2009 Tracking Volunteer Time to Boost Your Bottom Line
Blue Avocado March 11, 2009 Dennis Walsh Article Download
1991 Traditional Agency Volunteers and Volunteers In Membership Organizations -- Some Thoughts on the Issues
PAVine, Pennsylvania Association for Volunteerism Arlene Grubbs Article Download
1985 Trainers and Consultants in Volunteerism: A First Registry
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO September 1985 Nita Moots Kincaid, Ivan H. Scheier Report / Study Download
1977 Training a Professional Staff to Work With The Program Volunteer
Volunteer Administration Florence S. Schwartz Article Download
1988 Training Adult Volunteers
Journal of Volunteer Administration Nancy Macduff Article Download
1971 Training and Curriculum for a "New Career" -- Volunteer Administration
Volunteer Administration Ann R. Jacobson Article Download
1996 Training Busy Staff to Succeed with Volunteers (Manual)
Building Better Skills Betty B. Stallings Book Download
2007 Training Busy Staff to Succeed with Volunteers: The 55-Minute Staff Training Series

12 ready‑to‑deliver training sessions to teach paid staff the fundamentals of working with volunteers. Each training module is designed for delivery in 55 minutes of staff time. Each electronic module comes with: a complete PowerPoint® presentation; a timed script for the trainer highlighting “4 Key Concepts” on each topic; suggestions for expandable group activities; handout masters ready to duplicate, including a workshop evaluation form; and more.  The 12 topics range from Designing Positions to Volunteer Recognition.



Energize Betty B. Stallings Book Download
1970 Training Coordinators of Volunteer Services at Northeastern University
Volunteer Administration Marvin S. Arffa Article Download
1972 Training Design for Volunteers in Juvenile Court Services
Volunteer Administration Edward A. Bodanske Article Download
1979 Training Guide for Volunteers Working with Older People
National Council of Jewish Women, New York, NY, February 1979 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1990 Training in Volunteer Administration: Assessing the Needs of the Field
Journal of Volunteer Administration Jeffrey L. Brudney, Mary M. Brown Article Download
1982 Training Supervisors
SYNERGIST magazine, National School Volunteer Program (part of ACTION) Howard T. Major Article Download
1990 Training Supervisors of Volunteers
Journal of Volunteer Administration Connie Skillingstad Article Download
1969 Training the Court Volunteer: One Model
James D. Jorgensen Article Download
mid 1970's Training the Volunteer Co-ordinator: A Course Handbook (Canada)
Volunteer Bureau of Greater Vancouver, BC Canada Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1975 Training the Volunteer is Important, But What About the Staff?
Voluntary Action Leadership, Fall 1975 Elizabeth M. Cantor, Margaret R. Pepper Article Download
1978 Training Volunteers (in a church setting)
The Care and Feeding of Volunteers, Chapter Six Douglas W. Johnson Article Download
1993 Training Volunteers for Success
Leadership magazine, Points of Light Foundation, July 1993 Stephanie Kipperman Article Download
1995 Training Volunteers to Deliver a Breast Health Programme (Canada)
Journal of Volunteer Administration Merie Kisby, Marilyn MacKenzie, Diane Finkle, Carolyn Hill Article Download
1982 Training Volunteers: A Leadership Survey
LEADERSHIP magazine, Summer quarter, 1982 Terry C. Muck Article Download
1981 Training Volunteers: A Process for Learning
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1981 Rick Lynch, John C. Schwarz Article Download
1989 Training Volunteers: Beyond the Basics (Canada)
WADV Conference Workshop, Victoria, BC Canada Daina Bruners Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1980 Training Volunteers: Careful Planning and Effective Management
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1980 Bob Presson, James D. Jorgensen, Arlene K. Schindler, J. Dale Chastain, Mike Whittaker Article Download
1980 Training Volunteers: Choosing the Right Training Method
Voluntary Action Leadership, Fall 1980 Article Download
1986 Training Volunteers: The Role of Clients
Voluntary Action Leadership, Summer 1986 Robyn James Article Download
1973 Training: What Do Volunteers Want?
Voluntary Action News, May 1973 Article Download
1979 Transferability of Volunteer Skills: How and Why
The Leaguer, Junior League of Minneapolis, February 1979 Carol Truesdell Article Download
1992 Transforming Volunteer Recognition
The NonProfit Times, May 1992 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1984 Transition Strategies for the Volunteer World
Journal of Volunteer Administration Eva Schindler-Rainman Article Download
1981 Transitioning: Strategies for the Volunteer World
Vancouver Volunteer Centre Eva Schindler-Rainman Book Download
1982 Trends and Changes in the Volunteer World
FACETS, Vol. 43, No.5, May 1982, Medical Association Auxiliary Eva Schindler-Rainman Article Download
2000 Trends Impacting Volunteer Administrators in the Next 10 Years
Journal of Volunteer Administration Ken Culp, Mike Nolan Article Download
1997 Trends in Volunteerism
The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, Volume 10, Number 2, 1997 Georgean C. Johnson-Coffey Article Download
1997 Trends in Volunteerism: A Canadian Perspective
Journal of Volunteer Administration Paddy Bowen Article Download
1972 Trouble Shooting
Volunteer Administration James O'Reilly Article Download
2007 Turn Your Organisation Into A Volunteer Magnet
Andy Fryar, Rob Jackson, Fraser Dyer Pamphlet / Booklet Download