Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 351 - 400 of 2343
Year Sort ascending Title Source Author Type File
2001 Tackling Causes Not Symptoms: New/Old Roles for Volunteers
The Nonprofit Quarterly, Winter 2001 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
2001 "Kibbitz and Ride": a Grassroots Volunteer Effort to Address Transportation Needs of the Frail Elderly in South Florida
Journal of Volunteer Administration Marcy Bezark, Joan Ensink Article Download
2001 The Virtuous Vacation? More Travelers Sweat, Teach as Volunteers on Time Off; The Burden of Do-Gooders
The Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2001 Susan Carey Article Download
2001 XVIth World Volunteer Conference: "Volunteers - Capital of the Millennium"
Journal of Volunteer Administration Mary Merrill Article
2001 The Art of Community Building in Light of Robert Putnam's "Bowling Alone"
Gail Elberg, Janet Phillips Article Download
2001 Agency Disaster Response Tabletop Exercise: A Training Design
Walter G. Green Article Download
2001 Volunteering Tomorrow: Changes and Challenges
Journal of Volunteer Administration Kenn Allen Article Download
2001 Ethnocultural Communities and Formal Volunteering: an Exploratory Study
Journal of Volunteer Administration Behnam Behnia, Betty Bergin Article Download
2001 The Current Status of Volunteer Activities and Volunteer Coordination in Japan
Journal of Volunteer Administration Article
2001 Cultural Competency: Not a Lump Sum of Stereotypes
Journal of Volunteer Administration Nora Silver Article Download
2001 A Report on the Association for Volunteer Administration's 2001 Professional Credential Revision Pilot Study
Journal of Volunteer Administration Jacqueline A. Callahan, Nancy A. Gaston, Renee Hoover Article Download
2001 A Study of Peer Management of Youth Volunteers at the Canadian Red Cross (Canada)
Journal of Volunteer Administration Femida Handy, Kirsten Kell Article Download
2001 Understanding "Seasons of Service": Promoting Volunteerism Across the Life Span
Journal of Volunteer Administration R. Dale Safrit, Scott D. Scheer, Jeffrey E. King Article Download
2001 Linking Motivation and Commitment through Learning Activities in the Volunteer Sector
Journal of Volunteer Administration Allan Serafino Article Download
2001 Evaluating the Impact of Volunteer Programs
Journal of Volunteer Administration Ken Culp, Martha A. Nall Article Download
2001 Survey of Volunteer Administrators, 1992 and 2000: Trends for the Profession
Journal of Volunteer Administration Jeffrey L. Brudney, Sandra L. Schmahl Article Download
2001 Volunteer Connections: New Strategies for Involving Older Adults (Canada)
Volunteer Canada Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 Policy on Voluntary Work in the Netherlands (NETHERLANDS)
Documentation, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Netherlands January 2001 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 A Voluntary Effort (ISRAEL)
Focus on Israel newsletter, Israel Information Center, Jerusalem, Israel, Esther Herlitz, Matti Weill Sample Download
2001 2001 International Year of Volunteers (2 United Nations Volunteers brochures)
United Nations Volunteers Sample Download
2001 International Year of Volunteers 2001 in Canada (fact sheets)
Volunteer Canada Sample Download
2001 16th IAVE World Conference -- Amsterdam, the Netherlands
International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), January 2001 Sample Download
2001 Global Youth Service Day 2001 (Canada)
Volunteer Canada Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 International Year of Volunteers Conference (Australia)
Conference program, Volunteering Australia and Australian Volunteers International, October 2001, Melbourne Australia Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 Volunteering: a Code of Good Practice (compact on relations between Government and the Voluntary Sector) United Kingdom
Compact Working Group and the Home Office, London, UK Report / Study Download
2001 2001 International Year of Volunteers (U.S. brochure)
U.S. IYV Committee Sample Download
2001 Volunteers == the spirit of community (Australia)
Volunteering Western Australia Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 International Year of Volunteers 2001 (IAVE brochure)
International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), January 2001 Sample Download
2001 An Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector
Voluntary Sector Initiative Secretariat, Ottawa, ON Canada December 2001 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 Voluntary Service Law (Taiwan)
Unknown Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2001 The Current Status of Volunteer Activities and Volunteer Coordination in Japan
Journal of Volunteer Administration Article Download
2001 International Working Group Develops Universal Declaration on Leading and Managing Volunteers
Journal of Volunteer Administration Article Download
2001 Thoughts at the Re-Dedication of the Time Capsule: Susan Ellis' Guess at the Future of Volunteerism
Remarks at the rededication of Ivan Scheier's Time Capsule, September 20, 2001 Susan J. Ellis Download
2001 Universal Declaration on the Profession of Leading and Managing Volunteers
International Working Group on the Profession, convened by the Association for Volunteer Administration, Richmond, VA Download
2001 AVA Year in Review 2001
Association for Volunteer Administration, Richmond, VA Report / Study
2001 The Community HeroCard: Rewarding Everyday People, Every Day
Community Hero Card Program Sample Download
2001 Rethinking Volunteer Engagement -- International Year of Volunteers 2001
Volunteer Canada Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 Professional Ethics in Volunteer Administration -- Training Kit
Association for Volunteer Administration, Richmond, VA Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 Institute for Advanced Studies in Volunteer Management (curriculum handouts)
Susan J. Ellis, Stephen H. McCurley, Rick Lynch, Sue Vineyard Handout / Fact Sheet
2001 WWW: Workshops the Wired Way
World Volunteer Conference, Amsterdam, January 2001 Joanne Kaattari, Vicki kTrottier Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2001 The Roots of Korea's Volunteer Service Spirit (Korea)
Korea Council of Volunteer Organizations, Seoul, Korea Seo Hyueng Lee Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 Volunteering in the 21st Century: Interim Report on the parliamentary Hearings for the International Year of Volunteers (United Kingdom)
All-Party Group on Charities and the Voluntary Sector and the United Kingdom Volunteering Forum Report / Study Download
2000's? The Danish Committee on Volunteer Effort (Denmark)
Danish Committee on Volunteer Effort, Odense Denmark Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2000's? A Provincial Policy on Volunteer Involvement in Government (Canada)
Volunteers in Public Service, Youth and Regional Services, Manitoba Family Services, Winnipeg, MB Canada Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2000's? Do you manage volunteers? Do you want to create your own learning path? (United Kingdom)
EVM Network, Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2000's? We Make Heroes Out of Just About Anybody
VolunteerMatch Sample Download
2000's? Engaging families in community-oriented volunteering -- National Family Volunteer Day
VFW and Points of Light Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2000's? Innovating Volunteer Work (The Netherlands)
Dutch Foundation for Volunteer Management Sample Download
2000's The Volunteer Playbook: A Game Plan for Giving Back
National Football League Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2000's An Executive Summary of Family Volunteering: The Final Report (Canada)
Volunteer Canada, Ottawa, Canada Report / Study Download