2004 |
Beyond Banking: Lessons from an Impact Evaluation of Employee Volunteering at Barclays Bank (United Kingdom)
Voluntary Action, The Journal of the Institute for Volunteering Research, Vol. 6, #3, 2004 London, UK |
Georgina Brewis |
Article |
1989 |
Beyond Banquets, Plaques and Pins
Hundreds of ideas for recognizing the work of volunteers and thanking them for their contributions. Plus a discussion of what effective recognition really entails. |
Heritage Arts |
Sue Vineyard, Steve McCurley |
Book |
1981 |
Beyond Banquets, Plaques and Pins: Creative Ways to Recognize Volunteers and Staff!
Heritage Arts, Downers Grove, IL |
Sue Vineyard |
Pamphlet / Booklet |
2010 |
Beyond Lip Service: 10 indicators of true commitment to volunteers
The NonProfit Times, April 2010 |
Susan J. Ellis |
Article |
1992 |
Beyond Managing Volunteers
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Harriet H. Naylor |
Article |
1999 |
Beyond Police Checks: The Definitive Volunteer & Employee Screening Guidebook
This book was removed from the archive since it is still available for sale. You can purchase at: http://lindagraff.ca/books.html#BeyondPolice |
Linda L. Graff |
Book |
1982 |
Beyond Professionalism
Voluntary Action Leadership, Winter 1982 |
Vern Lake |
Article |
1986 |
Beyond Promises: A Planned Approach For Rural Volunteer Community Development
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Ida Rush George |
Article |
1988 |
Beyond Self: The Immunity of Samaritans
American Health, March 1988 |
Eileen Rockefeller Growald, Allan Luks |
Article |
1996 |
Big Brothers/Big Sisters Lietuvoje: Status Report (Lithuania)
Open Society Fund, Lithuania |
Ausra Kuriene, Erna Petkute |
Sample |
1994 |
Big Brothers/Big Sisters: A Study of Volunteer Recruitment and Screening
Public/Private Ventures, Philadelphia, PA |
Phoebe A. Roaf, Joseph P. Tierney, Danista E. I. Hunte |
Report / Study |
1989 |
Big Six Go Pro Bono
Corporate Philanthropy Report |
Article |
1995 |
Black on Board (several articles on black volunteering)
Black Echo newsletter, Resource Unit for Black Volunteering, September 1995 |
Pamphlet / Booklet |
1977 |
Blacks and Voluntary Action: A Review of the Literature
Voluntary Action Leadership, Summer 1977 |
King E. Davis |
Article |
1999 |
Board Members' Views on Training and Development
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Liz Weaver, Sue Inglis |
Article |
2001 |
Brain Picking: Thinking about an advisory committee
The NonProfit Times, May 2001 |
Susan J. Ellis |
Article |
2000 |
Breakthrough Ideas for the New Volunteerism (Canada)
Volunteer Canada |
Pamphlet / Booklet |
1970's |
Bridging the Gap Between Church and Community
VMA Associate |
Marlene Wilson |
Handout / Fact Sheet |
1980's |
Bridging the Gap: Teaching Staff to Work with Volunteers
Stephen H. McCurley, Kathleen Brown (Fletcher) |
Handout / Fact Sheet |
1997 |
Bridging the Sectors: Developing an Effective Workplace Volunteer Council
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Keith Seel |
Article |
1973 |
Brief Survey of Practitioner's Observations and Attitudes about Volunteerism in America Today
Extension Service, The University of Michigan |
Robert R. Wilson |
Report / Study |
2002 |
Bring Learning Home through Family Volunteering
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Julia Lam |
Article |
1994 |
Bringing Generations Together
Leadership magazine, Points of Light Foundation, October 1994 |
Andrew Carroll |
Article |
1997 |
Broadening the Membership Base of Your DOVIA
Energize, Inc. |
Susan J. Ellis |
Handout / Fact Sheet |
2003 |
Brookfield Zoo Volunteer Opinion Survey Design and Administration
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Regi Mezydlo |
Article |
1996 |
Budget Cutting and Volunteers
The NonProfit Times, January 1996 |
Susan J. Ellis |
Article |
1975 |
Budgeting for Student Volunteer Groups
SYNERGIST magazine, National School Volunteer Program (part of ACTION) |
Herbert Rosenthal |
Article |
1980 |
Building a Corporate Volunteer Program: Issues and Pitfalls
Corporate Volunteer Coordinators Council, New York City, 1980 |
Pamphlet / Booklet |
1989 |
Building a Strong Advisory Group
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Nancy Macduff |
Article |
2003 |
Building an Online Community
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Whitney Quesenbery |
Article |
1980 |
Building Bridges Through International Voluntarism
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1980 |
Mary Ripley |
Article |
1999 |
Building Commitment for the Volunteer Program: A Replicable Model
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Terry Valeriote |
Article |
1990 |
Building Credibility with the Powers That Be
Partners Plus |
Gail Moore, Marilyn MacKenzie |
Book |
1983 |
Building Partnerships with Corporations
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Jacqueline M. Gouse, Judith V. Helein |
Article |
1984 |
Building Relationships Between Voluntary and Labor Organizations
Minnesota Office on Volunteer Services, St. Paul, MN |
Pamphlet / Booklet |
2003 |
Building Staff Volunteer Relations
Helps employees and volunteers work together successfully by exploring the reasons for conflict between volunteers and employees. Scheier eases the all-too-common stresses of this relationship with a step-by-step process for analyzing tasks and work preferences for both paid and unpaid staff. Offers a great number of creative and practical solutions. Contains lots of useful planning guides. |
Energize |
Ivan H. Scheier |
Book |
1988 |
Building Symbiotic Partnerships Between Corporate and Nonprofit Volunteer Programs
Rinee Snyder, Ronald M. Jimmerson |
Article |
1980 |
Building the Collaborative Community
From the preface: The authors of this book are social scientists with practical and tested strategies for rebuilding collaborative communities. An important feature of this book is that the authors are not prescriptive-they don't tell you what should be done; they are descriptive - they tell you what has been done that you can draw on. They are reporting on their own action research, done while serving as consultants to eighty-eight communities. From this rich experience they are able to portray a variety of strategies adaptable to a variety of situations. |
University of California Extension |
Eva Schindler-Rainman, Ronald Lippitt |
Book |
1975 |
Building Volunteer Staff into an Agency's Organizational Structure
University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service, Leonardtown, MD |
Hope M. Martin |
Pamphlet / Booklet |
1982 |
Building Volunteer/Paid Staff Teamwork from the Top
Volunteer Administration |
Joanne H. Patton |
Article |
1985 |
Building Your Leadership Power
Voluntary Action Leadership, Fall 1985 |
Marlene Wilson |
Article |
1980 |
Building Your Own Evaluation: A 12-Step Process
The Center for Creative Community |
Ivan H. Scheier |
Article |
1989 |
Bush Plan to Stimulate Volunteerism Gets Cool Reception from Charities (article and text of President's speech)
The Chronicle of Philanthropy, July 11, 1989 |
Vince Stehle |
Article |
1987 |
Business People Volunteer 1986: A Survey and Analysis
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Joanne Holbrook Patton |
Article |
1987 |
But That's Not What My Mom Does (a book about volunteers)
This is the story of a young girl's search to discover what exactly is a volunteer. Written for elementary-aged children, the book explores the concepts that the image of volunteering can differ greatly, and the opportunities to help our community are endless. |
Why Not Publishing Co., 1987 |
Wendy Hollo |
Book |
2007 |
By the Numbers: What donors can learn from volunteer statistics
The NonProfit Times, September 2007 |
Susan J. Ellis |
Article |
2005 |
By the People: A History of Americans as Volunteers, New Century Edition
By the People remains the only book available presenting the full scope and depth of volunteer activity throughout three centuries of American history. Originally published in 1978, Susan Ellis and Katie Campbell reissued this revised New Century Edition in 2005. The book challenges misunderstandings about the role of volunteers and illuminates the impact of volunteers throughout history. |
Energize |
Susan J. Ellis, Katherine H. (Noyes) Campbell |
Book |
1988 |
C.O.N.N.E.C.T.: A Training Program for Volunteers Who Work With a Communicatively--impaired Population
Journal of Volunteer Administration |
Frances Gitelman, Theresa Martico Greenfield |
Article |
Unknown |
Campaign Job Descriptions and Staffing Tips
Handout / Fact Sheet |
1987 |
Campus Compact (fact sheet & articles)
Handout / Fact Sheet |