Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 2301 - 2343 of 2343
Year Title Source Sort descending Author Type File
1996 5th European Workshop on Volunteer Action - List of Presenters (International)
volunteurope Conference, Rome, October 1996 Sample Download
1992 First European Workshop on Volunteer Action -- conference report (International)
volunteurope, September 1992, Doorn, Netherlands Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1987 A European Charter for Volunteers -- A Basic Declaration
Volunteurope, Brussels Belgium Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1989 Code of Ethics - Western Association of Directors of Volunteers (Canada)
WADV (Western Association of Directors of Volunteers), British Columbia, Canada Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1989 Training Volunteers: Beyond the Basics (Canada)
WADV Conference Workshop, Victoria, BC Canada Daina Bruners Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1989 Cui Bono?
Wall Street Journal, July 14,1989 Article Download
2002 Waiting for the Call
Wall Street Journal, May 30, 2002 Albert R. Hunt Article Download
1998 Volunteers Against Volunteerism
Washington Post Magazine, October 4, 1998 Sample Download
1988 The despised volunteer
WELCOMAT, November 30, 1988 Patricia McBee Article Download
1984 Children As Volunteers: Learning Early to be Contributors
What's New in Home Economics, January 1984 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1987 But That's Not What My Mom Does (a book about volunteers)

This is the story of a young girl's search to discover what exactly is a volunteer. Written for elementary-aged children, the book explores the concepts that the image of volunteering can differ greatly, and the opportunities to help our community are endless.  

Why Not Publishing Co., 1987 Wendy Hollo Book Download
1982 How to Make a WISH: The Women in Self Help Handbook
WISH (Women-In-Self-Help), Westchester, Inc., White Plains, NY Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1983 Volunteers: Their Reasons and Rewards
Women's Committee of the President's Committee on the Employment of the Handicapped, Washington, DC Charles M. Bonjean Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1988 Volunteerism: A Directory of Special Collections
Working Group on Special Collections in Volunteerism, Energize Associates, Philadelphia, PA Report / Study Download
1989 An Executive's Guide to Volunteering
Working Woman magazine, December 1989 Pamela Kruger Article Download
1992 Schooled for Success
Working Woman magazine, January 1992 Howard Muson Article Download
Working Woman magazine, June 1982 Julia M. Klein Article Download
1992 Developing an Agency Volunteer Policy (International)
Workshop at VOLUNTEUROPE conference Mavis Carrilho, Joost Heinsius Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1977 Does Citizen Participation Make A Difference?
Workshop presented at AAVA / AVAS / AVB Conference, San Diego, CA October 1977 Naylor and Richardson, Harriet H. Naylor Article Download
1978 Getting Results
Workshop Proceedings, ACTION, February 14-15, 1978 Eva Schindler-Rainman Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 WWW: Workshops the Wired Way
World Volunteer Conference, Amsterdam, January 2001 Joanne Kaattari, Vicki kTrottier Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2003 Online Power for Volunteer Action
WorldWide Volunteer, December 14, 2003 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
2003 Capacity Building in the Digital Age through Volunteer Involvement
WorldWide Volunteer, December 14, 2003 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
2007 Corporate Philanthropy 2.0 David L. Caprara, Robert L. Mallett Article Download
1999 The Human Side of the Internet (examples of volunteering), 5/28/99 Jayne Cravens Sample Download
1980's Seven Keys to Neighborhood Action
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO Joe Parko Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1986-87 1986 Directory of Volunteerism (and 1987 Supplement): "Yellow Pages of Resources for Leaders of Volunteers
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO Ivan H. Scheier Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1981 The Bridge: A Guide for Networkers
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO Ivan H. Scheier, Susan Dryovage Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1981 The People Approach Handbook
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO Ivan H. Scheier Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1984 Meanwhile...Back at the Neighborhood
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO Ivan H. Scheier Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1985 Trainers and Consultants in Volunteerism: A First Registry
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO September 1985 Nita Moots Kincaid, Ivan H. Scheier Report / Study Download
1985 Volunteers in Neighborhoods: An Introduction
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO 1985 Ivan H. Scheier Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1984 A Volunteer Component in Paid Employment: How It Could Help
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO February 1984 Ivan H. Scheier Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1985 The Ingredients of Volunteer Leadership: A Capability Analysis for the Careerist
Yellowfire Press, Boulder, CO January 1985 Ivan H. Scheier Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1987 Exploding the Big Banquet Theory of Volunteer Recognition: An Incendiary Analysis
Yellowfire Press, The Center for Creative Community, 1987 Ivan H. Scheier Article Download
1994 Acting on Principle: Goals and Guidelines for Volunteer Development in the YMCA Movement
YMCA of the USA Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1994 Recruitment packet of materials from YMCA of the USA
YMCA of the USA, Chicago, IL Sample Download
1984 Yorkville Volunteer Center
Yorkville Volunteer Center, New York, NY Sample Download
1993 Volunteer Training: A 1-on-1 Training Manual for YFU Volunteers
Youth For Understanding International Exchange, Washington, DC, April 1993 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2001 Your Guide to Youth Board Involvement and the Law
Youth on Board Jenny Sazama, Karen S. Young Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1994 I Love Community Service Cookbook (recipes for youth service projects)
Youth Resources of Southwestern IN Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1988 The Time is Right: A Report of the Youth Service America and Brown University Youth Service Leadership Conference
Youth Service America, February 1988 Report / Study Download
1986 Why Youth Workers Sabotage Volunteers
Youthworker: The Contemporary Journal for Youth Ministry, Winter 1986 Greg McKinnon Article Download