Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 51 - 100 of 2343
Year Title Sort descending Source Author Type File
2003 4-H Volunteers and the Internet: A Partnership for the Future
Journal of Volunteer Administration Claudia C. Mincemoyer Article Download
1996 5th European Workshop on Volunteer Action - List of Presenters (International)
volunteurope Conference, Rome, October 1996 Sample Download
1989 A "How To" Manual on Volunteer Program Management
New Jersey GIVES and The Community Foundation of New Jersey Sample Download
2007 A Board's Business: Training and leadership of your most vital volunteers
The NonProfit Times, June 2007 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1992 A Book of Case Studies for Training Volunteers (Canada)

A resource for training volunteers to develop analytical and problem-solving skills, this book is a compilation of realistic situations that volunteers may face while volunteering. Leaders of volunteer involvement can use the case studies to prepare volunteers via group discussions or role playing.

Johnstone Training and Consultation Patricia Harvey, Ginette Johnstone Book Download
1970's? A Brief History of DOVIA
Los Angeles DOVIA newsletter Article Download
1979 A Brief Review of Learning Needs Surveys and Curriculum Development in Volunteer Services Administration
Association for Administration of Volunteer Services Sarah Jane Rehnborg Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1976 A Career Development Lattice For Low Income Parent Volunteers In Schools
Volunteer Administration Michael Kane Article Download
1993 A Case for Research: Understanding the Characteristics of Potential Volunteers
Journal of Volunteer Administration Ann Freeman Cook Article Download
2003 A Choice Blend: What Volunteers Want from Organisation and Management (England)
Institute for Volunteering Research and the England Volunteering Forum Katharine Gaskin Report / Study Download
1981 A Collaborative Model for 1981 Volunteerism Issues (conference paper)
National Conference on Volunteerism: AVA, AVB, AVAS, Philadelphia, PA, October 1981 Robert C. Kennedy Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1980 A Commission on Volunteerism: Pro and Con
Paper prepared for the National Forum on a Commission on Volunteerism, Blacksburg, VA 1980 Stephen H. McCurley Article Download
1987 A Computerized Skillsbank: How Do You Build One?
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring/Summer 1987 Patrick Saccomandi Article Download
1987 A Computerized SkillsBank: How Do You Build One?
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring/Summer 1987 Patrick Saccomandi Article Download
1969 A Continuing Education Program for Coordinators of Volunteer Services
Volunteer Administration Marvin S. Arffa Article Download
2009 A Conversation with a Purpose
Kathleen McCleskey, Cheryle N. Yallen Book Download
1997 A Cynical Public Loves Their Government: An Overview of Government Volunteers and People Who Manage Them
Association for Research on Nonprofits and Voluntary Action, 1997 Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN Nancy Macduff, Jeffrey L. Brudney Report / Study Download
1979 A Description of the Issues (conference topics)
National Conference on Volunteerism, San Antonio Download
1987 A European Charter for Volunteers -- A Basic Declaration
Volunteurope, Brussels Belgium Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1983 A Few Tips on Motivating People to Volunteer
Energize, Inc. Susan J. Ellis Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1981 A Generic Training Design for Adult Services Volunteer Programs
Virginia Division of Volunteerism, Richmond, VA Brenda Clarke, Rose Greenspoon Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1980's A Guide for Developing a Financial Services Volunteer Project
Virginia Division of Volunteerism, Richmond, VA Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1999 A Guide to current issues and trends in the Canadian volunteer movement (1999 Information Kit)
Volunteer Canada Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1977 A Guide to Insurance for Volunteers
Voluntary Action Leadership, Fall 1977 Maureen S. Aspin, Steve McCurley Article Download
2002? A Guide to Investing in Volunteer Resources Management: Improve Your Philanthropic Portfolio
Association for Volunteer Administration, UPS Foundation, and Points of Light Foundation Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1974 A Guide to Managing Student Volunteer Programs: An Objective-Centered Approach
SYNERGIST magazine, National School Volunteer Program (part of ACTION) Judy Sorum Article Download
1999 A guide to planning special events and activities for National Volunteer Week (Canada)
Volunteer Canada Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1996 A Guide to Service Learning 1996-97 (United Kingdom)
Community Service Volunteers (CSV), London, UK Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1980's A Guide to Setting Up...Community Care Schemes (United Kingdom)
Metropolitan Borough of Stockport, England Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1970 A Guide to Volunteer Services
Cornerstone Library Anne David Book Download
1997 A Higher Reward: Voluntarism Attracts a New Breed of "Financial Angel"
CFO: The Magazine for Senior Financial Managers (cover story), August 1997 Joseph McCafferty Article Download
1983-84 A History of Volunteerism in Juvenile and Criminal Justice
Volunteers In Probation, Royal Oak, MI Article Download
2005 A Is for Awareness: A Framework for Presenting Legal Issues
Journal of Volunteer Administration Pamela D. Robinson Article Download
1980 A Lack of Status is Changing the Face of Volunteerism
The New York Times, February 16, 1980 Enid Nemy Article Download
2001 A Look Inside Corporate Employee Volunteer Programs
Journal of Volunteer Administration Ellen J. Benjamin Article Download
1982 A Master's Degree Emphasizing Volunteer Administration
Volunteer Administration Lyla Brewer Article Download
2000 A Matter of Survival: Volunteering By, In, and With Low-Income Communities
Points of Light Foundation Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1988 A Missed Opportunity? Recognizing Hospital Volunteers as Operational Assets
Journal of Volunteer Administration Gee Gee Williams Article Download
2001 A Multi-Faceted Look at Diversity: Why Outreach is Not Enough
Journal of Volunteer Administration Heather Berthoud, Robert D. Greene Article Download
1998 A National Forum on Life Cycles and Volunteering: The Impact of Work, Family and Mid-Life Issues
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 1998 Sample Download
1986 A New Competitive Edge: Volunteers From The Workplace

The authors explore workplace-based volunteering by profiling the efforts of several corporations promoting community involvement, employee volunteering within small businesses, and volunteer involvement in labor unions. These profiles represent a variety of approaches, each respecting its individual organizational culture while responding to community needs and practicing social responsibility.

VOLUNTEER: The National Center for Citizen Involvement Cynthia Vizza, Kenn Allen, Shirley A. Keller Book Download
1967 A New Hat is Becoming to the Mental Health Volunteer
Volunteer Administration Mary W. Holand, Frances H. Voss Article Download
1968 A New Look at Volunteers
Volunteer Administration Katharine M. Davis Article Download
2005 A New Service Delivery Model to Support Volunteer Mentoring Relationships
Journal of Volunteer Administration William A. Brown, Carlton Yoshioka Article Download
1971 A New Threshold for Voluntarism
Volunteer Administration Stanley Levin Article Download
Late 1970's A New Voice To Answer Community Need: Volunteers Intervening for Equity
The Association of Junior Leagues, Inc., New York, NY Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1978 A Philosophy of Volunteers and Volunteerism
Volunteer Administration Sue Vineyard Article Download
2002 A Political Multicultural Approach for Volunteer Advisory Boards
Journal of Volunteer Administration Pamela Morris Article Download
1977 A Primer on Insurance for Volunteers
Volunteer Administration Rick Williams Article Download
1986 A Proactive Response To Court-Ordered Community Service
Journal of Volunteer Administration Katherine H. (Noyes) Campbell Article Download