Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 251 - 300 of 2343
Year Title Source Sort descending Author Type File
1983 How to Mobilize Church Volunteers

This book for churches points out common problems congregations face when it comes to member involvement and service, establishes management principles, answers questions, and offers a plan to turn the volunteer challenge into a reality. It's written from a Christian perspective.

Augsburg Publishing House Marlene Wilson Book Download
1997 Quality of Work Life of Volunteers
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol..2, No. 2, August 1997 Jacques Metzer, Maureen Dollard, Louise Rogers, Sha Cordingley Article Download
1996 What Does It Take To Manage Volunteers?
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.1, No.2, 1996 Christopher Du Boulay Article Download
1996 The Role of Universities in Voluntarism in the 21st Century
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.1, No.2, 1996 Ledivina V. Carino Article Download
1999 Multicultural Volunteering: Reflections on the "salad bowl" approach
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.4, No.1, 1999 Anita Vangelista Article Download
2001 From "Charity" to "Social Enterprise": Managing volunteers in public-serving nonprofits
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.6, No.1, 2001 Gianni Zappala Article Download
2002 What makes a frequent volunteer? Predicting volunteer commitment in a community services organsation
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.7, No.2, 2002 Gianni Zappala, Tracy Burrell Article Download
2002 Top Trends in Volunteering
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.7, No.2, 2002 Paddy Bowen Download
2002 Promoting participation and building active communities: the Northern Ireland experience
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.7, No.2, 2002 Wendy Osborne Article Download
2004 Government and volunteering
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.9, No.1, 2004 Justin Davis Smith Article Download
2004 Marginalizing Australia's volunteers: The need for socially inclusive practices in the non-profit sector
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.9, No.1, 2004 Jeni Warburton, Melanie Oppenheimer, Gianni Zappala Article Download
2004 Corporate volunteering: From charity to profit-nonprofit partnerships
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.9, No.1, 2004 Lucas Meijs, Judith M. Van Der Voort Article Download
2004 The contemporary challenges of volunteering in an ageing Australia
Australian Journal On Volunteering, Vol.9, No.2, 2004 Jeni Warburton, Sha Cordingley Article Download
2005 Understanding and Managing Volunteer Motivation: Two Regional Tourism Cases (Australia)
Australian Journal on Volunteering, Volunteering Australia, Vol. 10, #2, 2005 Emma Anderson, Grant Cairncross Article Download
AVA Region III Sample Download
1990 AVA Survey on Employer Recognition
AVA Subcommittee on Employer Recognition Joanne H. Patton Report / Study Download
1977 The Volunteer on an Advisory Committee
AVAS / AVB Annual Conference, October 1977 Harriet H. Naylor Article Download
1975 Volunteer Program Supervision (class syllabus)
Ball State University, Muncie, IN Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1975 Volunteers and Voluntarism (class syllabus)
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1978 Community and the Bank 1977
Bank of America Sample Download
1996 Shrinking Government -- A New Zealand Story: The effects on Volunteers, Voluntary Organizations and their Clients (New Zealand)
Basis of a workshop given at ICVA conference, October 1996 Mary Woods Report / Study Download
2004 Volunteering "Bad for the Health' (United Kingdom)
BBC News website, May 14, 2004 Article Download
1974 Women, Work and Volunteering
Beacon Press Herta Loeser Book Download
2005? Beijng Volunteers Association (China)
Beijing Volunteers Association, China Report / Study Download
1976 Development of Supervisory/Administrative Volunteer Positions at the Better Bureau of Eastern Penna.
Better Business Bureau of Eastern Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Joy C. Mebus Report / Study Download
1995 Black on Board (several articles on black volunteering)
Black Echo newsletter, Resource Unit for Black Volunteering, September 1995 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2010 How to Initiate a Project by Self-Directed Volunteers
Blog, July 6, 2010 Olesyas Download
2011 Microvolunteering is virtual volunteering
Blog: Jayne Cravens Download
2007 Civic Engagement and the Internet: Online Volunteers Mary C. Joyce Article Download
2009 Tracking Volunteer Time to Boost Your Bottom Line
Blue Avocado March 11, 2009 Dennis Walsh Article Download
1978 The Hand that Gives, Gathers (cover story)
Boston College Magazine, Volume XLI, Number 1, November 1978 David Horton Smith Article Download
2003 Volunteer Outcomes Study (for Boy Scouts of America)
Boy Scouts of America Report / Study Download
2011 Volunteering May Help Your Career More Than You Think
brazen blog Article Download
1989 Volunteer Immunity: Maintaining the Vitality of the Third Sector of Our Economy
Bridgeport Law Review, 1989 David W. Hartmann Article Download
1987 Ethical Issues in Volunteer Management and Accountability
Briefly Stated newsletter, National Association of Social Workers, Inc. F. Ellen Netting Article Download
1989 Volunteer Information Management Software (V.I.M.) -- The Power to Slay the Paper Dragon
Bruce Bechtold, Owner Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1996 Training Busy Staff to Succeed with Volunteers (Manual)
Building Better Skills Betty B. Stallings Book Download
1999 Service-Learning: A Balanced Approach to Experiential Education
Building Connections newsletter Andrew Furco Article Download
1982 The President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives: Report on Results
Building Partnerships, USA, Washington, DC Report / Study Download
1977 Who Wants to Be Lady Bountiful Anymore? "To Be or Not To Be a Volunteer"
Bulletin of the Baldwin School, September 1977 Article Download
1973 Philanthropy: Still the Corporate Stepchild
Business and Society Review/Innovation, Spring 1973, Number 5 Frank Koch Article Download
1988 Give the Young A Better Chance to Serve Their Country
Business Week, March 21, 1988 Robert Kuttner Article Download
2004 Volunteering as Leisure / Leisure as Volunteering: An International Assessment
CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA Robert A. Stebbins, Margaret Graham Report / Study Download
1985 CAs and Charities: The Value of Volunteering (Canada)
CAmagazine, October 1985 Elizabeth Abraham, Carol Loughrey Article Download
2002 Volunteer Program Strategy (for national level managers of volunteers)
Canadian Blood Services, edited for AVA Summit for National Level Managers of Volunteer Resources Handout / Fact Sheet Download
2004 Promising Practices for Volunteer Administration in Hospitals - A Manual (Canada)
Canadian Centre for Philanthropy Femida Handy, Robert Mound, Lisa-Marie Vaccaro, Karin Prochazka Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2016 The Road to Measuring Volunteer Impact (Canada)
Canadian Journal of Volunteer Resources Management, August 2016 Heather Hardie Article Download
1982 On Your Way: A Workbook for Volunteers and Interns
Career and Volunteer Advisory Service, Boston, MA Sandra Kahn, Debora Sherman Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1971 The Volunteer Community: creative use of human resources
Center for a Voluntary Society, Washington, DC Eva Schindler-Rainman, Ronald Lippitt Book Download
2004 Reinventing Aging: Baby Boomers and Civic Engagement
Center for Health Communication, Harvard School of Public Health Report / Study Download