Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 1 - 50 of 2343
Year Title Source Author Type Sort descending File
2010 How to Initiate a Project by Self-Directed Volunteers
Blog, July 6, 2010 Olesyas Download
1980 Community Relations & Volunteerism
Human Resources Network, Philadelphia, PA Download
1980 VOLUNTEER - 1979 Program Summary (after NCVA & NICOV merger)
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
1968 Silver Reflections - 1968 speech by Miriam Karlins
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Miriam Karlins Download
2000 Questionnaire: Comparative Study of Volunteers Managers (Administrators) in Scotland and the USA (SCOTLAND)
Scottish Association of Volunteers Managers Download
2006 Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA) - Articles of Incorporation
Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (2006), Richmond, VA Download
1990 List of AVA Presidents 1961-1990
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
A Tribute to Harriet Naylor
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
1980 Remarks of Senator Dave Durenberger, National Conference on Volunteerism, October 12, 1980
National Conference on Volunteerism, October 1980 Download
1998 AVA Awards 1998
1984 The Volunteer Administrator (early database system)
Micromasters, Asheville, NC Download
1991 Declaration of Commitment to Community Service (and invitation to endorse)
Points of Light Foundation, Washington, DC Download
1985 Citizenship and Community Service: Are They A Concern and Responsibility of Higher Education?
Keynote address at the 1985 National Conference on Higher Education, March 17, 1985 Brian O'Connell Download
1985 Youth Views on Volunteering and Service Learning from the Chicago Area Youth Poll
Journal of Volunteer Administration Karen J. Popowski Download
1983 AVA Task Force on Affiliation - 1983 Report
Association for Volunteer Administration archives
1965 A Typical Director of Voluntary Services (2 cartoon illustrations)
Unknown Download
1986 Community Service is Essential to Your Constitution
Commencement Address, Bradford College, May 1986 Brian O'Connell Download
1989 Harriet Naylor Distinguished Member Service Award: Acceptance Speech -- Susan J. Ellis
Association for Volunteer Administration Susan J. Ellis Download
1975 Strengthening Voluntarism from the Public Sector
Speech at a National council on Philanthropy Conference, December 1975 Harriet H. Naylor Download
1987 "What do you do?" (cartoon)
Unknown Download
1977 Dynamics of Volunteerism in Human Service Organizations
ASPA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, April 1977 Harriet H. Naylor Download
1978 1978 AAVS Plans for Involving Local and State Volunteer Director Associations
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
2002 AVA Home Page - 2002
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
1977 National School Volunteer Program
Speech given in New Orleans, LA April 5, 1977 Harriet H. Naylor Download
1979 AVA History (1979)
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
1980's? Voluntarism in a World Turned Upside Down
Unknown Eva Schindler-Rainman Download
Journal of Volunteer Administration, 1982-2005

The Journal of Volunteer Administration was published by the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA) between 1982-2005 as the primary source of applied research relevant to volunteer management.   All of the issues are archived on our website.  You can access the full list of issues here. Many articles are also extracted and cross-referenced by topic in the main Database.

2002 Volunteering By People with Disabilities
The National Centre for Volunteering Filiz Niyazi Download
1999 Voluntary Action - One Size Does Not Fit All: Four Models of Volunteer Management
The Journal of the Institute for Volunteering Research Download
1998 International Year of Volunteers 2001 -- Resolution Adopted by the U.N. General Assembly
United Nations General Assembly Download
1980 The Federal Government and the Future of Volunteering
National Forum on a Commission on Volunteerism: Download
1984 Tournament of Roses Parade: A Salute to the Volunteer Has Local Impact (media advisory)
Mayor's Voluntary Action Center, Office of the Mayor, New York, NY Download
2001 Thoughts at the Re-Dedication of the Time Capsule: Susan Ellis' Guess at the Future of Volunteerism
Remarks at the rededication of Ivan Scheier's Time Capsule, September 20, 2001 Susan J. Ellis Download
1998 AVA Virginia Incorporation Application 1998
1991 AVA History (1940-1991)
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
2001 Universal Declaration on the Profession of Leading and Managing Volunteers
International Working Group on the Profession, convened by the Association for Volunteer Administration, Richmond, VA Download
2003 AVA Awards 2003
2002 AVA Awards 2002
1978 Wasted Resources: Handicapped, Youth, Aged and Retiring
Volunteerism Consortium, University of California at Davis, February 26, 1978 (speech) Harriet H. Naylor Download
2003 Volunteering, Reaching Out for Reconciliation and Peace (Global)
Journal of Volunteer Administration Xanana Gusmao Download
1981 The Changing Role of Women in Volunteerism
Speech delivered to the Y.W.C.A, Seattle, WA, February 27, 198, as reprinted in VITAL SPEECHES OF THE DAY by Alton S. Cartwright Mary M. Gates Download
2011 Microvolunteering is virtual volunteering
Blog: Jayne Cravens Download
1999 AVA Awards 1999
1976 Alliance for Volunteerism - 1976 Incorporation Certificate
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
1978 Where Are We Now?
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Volunteer Development, May 1978 Harriet H. Naylor Download
2001 AVA Awards 2001
2000 AVA Awards 2000
1980 In Honor of Past Presidents of AVA (1980 speech)
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Sarah Jane Rehnborg Download
1975 Alliance for Volunteerism - 1975 Application for 501-c-3 status
Association for Volunteer Administration archives Download
1979? Volunteers -- An Endangered Species or New Breed
National 4-H Conference (speech) Harriet H. Naylor Download