Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 351 - 400 of 2343
Year Title Source Sort descending Author Type File
1989 Big Six Go Pro Bono
Corporate Philanthropy Report Article Download
2005 The Art of Effective Business & Non-Profit Partnerships: Finding the Intersection of Business Need and Social Good
Corporate Voices for Working Families, Washington, DC Elyse Rosenblum Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1980 Building a Corporate Volunteer Program: Issues and Pitfalls
Corporate Volunteer Coordinators Council, New York City, 1980 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1980 Corporate Volunteerism Council: A Concept Paper
Corporate Volunteerism Council of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2004 Volunteer Management in America's Religious Organizations
Corporation for National and Community Service, Washington, DC Kimberly A Spring, Robert T. Grimm Jr. Report / Study Download
2007 Volunteering Reinvented: Human Capital Solutions for the Nonprofit Sector
Corporation for National and Community Service, Washington, DC July 2007 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2002 History of National Service
Corporation for National and Community Service, website download 1/16/2002 Article Download
1998-99 Recruiting Male Volunteers: A Guide Based on Exploratory Research
Corporation for National Service, Washington, DC Stephanie T. Blackman Report / Study Download
1995 Americorps: First Year Review
Corporation for National Service, Washington, DC Report / Study Download
2001 The focus is on the volunteer with brand new thinking (cover story, Big Brothers Big Sisters)
Correspondent magazine, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Fall 2001 Article Download
2006 Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA) - Articles of Incorporation
Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (2006), Richmond, VA Download
1979 I CAN: A Tool for Assessing Skills Acquired Through Volunteer Service
Council of National Organizations for Adult Education, New York, NY Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1963 Probing Volunteer-Staff Relations: a kit and manual for organizational self-inventory
Council of National Organizations for Adult Education, New York, NY Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1961 Field Work for the Undergraduate Pre-Professional Student
Council on Volunteers, Philadelphia, PA Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1996 Welfare Reform Brings "Community Service" to Some Counties
County News, National Association of Counties, May 27, 1996 Peter Lane Article Download
1987 Surviving the Reagan Cutbacks: The Resurrection of VISTA
Course paper Gay Strickler Report / Study Download
1993 Lawsuit against mandatory community service requirement (court decision paper)
Court proceedings forwarded from legal office Report / Study Download
1985 Effort in = effort out: It takes thought and work to get the right volunteers for the job
Credit Union Magazine, October 1985 Article Download
1999 Discovering Citizenship through Active Learning in the Community (United Kingdom)
CSV and Institute for Service Learning, London, UK Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2005 Foot Soldiers: Recruiting and Managing Volunteers (cover story)
CURRENTS, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, September 2005 Article Download
2001 Reflecting on Jonathan Kozol's Challenge: Who Really Benefits from Service Learning?
Currents: The Newsletter of Youth Service California, Nov. 3, 2001 Heather Manchester, Lauren Baiocchi Article Download
1981 Long-Term Effects of Community Service Programs
Curriculum Inquiry 11:2 (1981) James Beane, Joan Turner, David Jones, Richard Lipka Article Download
1989 Managing volunteer workers seen as upwardly mobile track
Daily Press/The Times-Herald, August 21, 1989 Carol Kleiman Article Download
2000's? The Danish Committee on Volunteer Effort (Denmark)
Danish Committee on Volunteer Effort, Odense Denmark Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1993 Solid Volunteer Management -- Designed to Assist You in Planning and Implementing a Successful Volunteer Program
DDS Consulting, Orlando, FL Diane Scanland Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1983 Job Descriptions for Volunteers (several samples from Delaware Family Court)
Delaware Family Court Sample Download
1985 Assuring Teamwork Between Volunteers and Salaried Staff: The Vital Key to Success
Delaware Valley EXCHANGE, Spring 1985 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1966 You and Your Volunteers: A Partnership That Works (A guide for supervisors)
Department of Social Welfare, State of New York Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1970 Your Volunteer Program
Des Moines Area Community College Mary T. Swanson Book Download
1990's? The New Volunteerism in Norway: An evaluation of Norway's first Volunteer Center (Norway)
Diakonhjemmet College Center, Center for Voluntary Organisation, Oslo, Norway Jeanette Hawkins Report / Study Download
1999 Dollars for Doers: A Guide to Employee Volunteer Matching Grant Programs
Diane Gingold & Associates, Washington, DC Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1984 DOVIA Dimensions (newsletter)
Directors of Volunteers in Agencies, Des Moines, IA Sample Download
1980 How is Traditional Volunteering Being Represented, Advocated, Protected by Other-Than-National Organizations?
Discussion Paper Prepared for the National Forum on Volunteerism, September 1980, Aid Association for Lutherans Ivan H. Scheier Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1987 Social Exchange: An Assessment of its Role in Successful Volunteer/Salaried Staff Partnerships
Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Jane Asche Report / Study Download
1985 Let's Celebrate Volunteers (in a church setting)
Division for Parish Services, Lutheran Church of America, Philadelphia, PA Pamphlet / Booklet Download
2002 What is DO SOMETHING?
DO SOMETHING website download, 1/7/2002 Article Download
2001 Policy on Voluntary Work in the Netherlands (NETHERLANDS)
Documentation, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Netherlands January 2001 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1977 Proceedings: Conference on Volunteerism in Rural Areas
Donaldson Brown Center for Continuing Education, VPI&SU, Blacksburg, VA Report / Study Download
1976 Leadership for Volunteering
Dryden Associates Harriet H. Naylor Book Download
1973 Volunteers Today: Finding, Training and Working with Them
Dryden Associates Harriet H. Naylor Book Download
1999 The Effects of Volunteering on the Volunteer
Duke University Journal John Wilson, Marc Musick Article Download
2000's? Innovating Volunteer Work (The Netherlands)
Dutch Foundation for Volunteer Management Sample Download
2000 Finding Our Profession
E-volunteerism Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, October 2000 Ivan H. Scheier Article Download
1984 Rewarding Faculty Members for Profession-Related Public Service
Educational Record, Winter 1984 Patricia S. Florestano, Ralph Hambrick Article Download
2005 By the People: A History of Americans as Volunteers, New Century Edition

By the People remains the only book available presenting the full scope and depth of volunteer activity throughout three centuries of American history. Originally published in 1978, Susan Ellis and Katie Campbell reissued this revised New Century Edition in 2005. The book challenges misunderstandings about the role of volunteers and illuminates the impact of volunteers throughout history.

Energize Susan J. Ellis, Katherine H. (Noyes) Campbell Book Download
2003 Building Staff Volunteer Relations

Helps employees and volunteers work together successfully by exploring the reasons for conflict between volunteers and employees. Scheier eases the all-too-common stresses of this relationship with a step-by-step process for analyzing tasks and work preferences for both paid and unpaid staff. Offers a great number of creative and practical solutions. Contains lots of useful planning guides.

Energize Ivan H. Scheier Book Download
2004 Stalking the Elusive Executive

A Dozen Tips for Getting Top Decision-Makers to Read (and Learn from) Volunteer Management Literature

Energize Susan J. Ellis Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1999 What We Learned (the Hard Way) about Supervising Volunteers

Packed with the advice, wisdom, and experience of over 85 real-life, on-the-job supervisors of volunteers, this guide offers a crystal clear analysis of what works and what doesn't in supervision. It also includes comments from volunteers about what they need from those who supervise them, as well as excerpts from classic articles and books by experts in the field and a self-assessment survey covering the attitudes and actions necessary to be an effective supervisor. 

Energize Jarene Frances Lee Book Download
1991 Children As Volunteers: Preparing for Community Service

How to incorporate  children into an adult volunteer program and find creative ways to use  children's fresh perspectives. Includes examples of actual volunteer  projects accomplished by youngsters, models of child-adult teams and  tips on family volunteering.  Learn how to recruit, train and design  assignments for volunteers under the age of 14. 

Energize Katherine H. (Noyes) Campbell, Susan J. Ellis Book Download
1999 Focus on Volunteering KOPY KIT®

Contains 117 formatted, ready-to-print and copy pages, each about a specific volunteering subject such as working with volunteers, the history of volunteering, and trends in volunteerism. The KOPY KIT also includes a section of ready-to-use graphics including "thank you" and "we miss you" letters, certificates and awards, recruitment flyers and even greeting cards.

Energize Susan J. Ellis Book Download