Search Database

This is the master database of all items in the Archive, including the books, journal articles and Timeline items referenced elsewhere on this website. This database is searchable by title, author, type, and topic. Special tags also exist for Research, Non-US/International items, and documents specifically related to the history of the Association for Volunteer Administration (AVA). All PDF documents may be downloaded for free. If you identify errors, please contact us immediately so we can make the necessary corrections.

Displaying 301 - 350 of 2343
Year Sort descending Title Source Author Type File
1977 Training a Professional Staff to Work With The Program Volunteer
Volunteer Administration Florence S. Schwartz Article Download
1977 Professional Development for Volunteer Coordinators in School Volunteer Programs
Harriet H. Naylor Article Download
1977 Volunteers: How to Find Them, How to Keep Them
Mike Haines Book Download
1977 Recruitment: A Supermarket of Volunteers
Voluntary Action Leadership, Summer 1977 Carol L. Barbeito, Robert Hoel Article Download
1977 Youth Volunteering
1977 Southwest Regional Confrence of the Child Welfare League of America, April 1977 Harriet H. Naylor Article Download
1977 People Approach
Voluntary Action Leadership, Winter 1977 Ann Harris Article Download
1977 The Volunteer on an Advisory Committee
AVAS / AVB Annual Conference, October 1977 Harriet H. Naylor Article Download
1977 Working with Volunteers: Guidelines for Nonprofit Organizations
Foundation for Public Relations Research and Education, Inc., New York, NY Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1977 Academic Credit for Volunteer Experience
Minnesota Governor's Office of Volunteer Service, Special Project Summary Report / Study Download
1977 Proposed Statement on Standards for a Department of Volunteer Services in a Health Care Institution
American Society of Directors of Volunteer Services of the American Hospital Association Report / Study Download
1978 Preparing the Volunteer for Work
Voluntary Action Leadership, Summer 1978 Sean McAlea Article Download
1978 Church Volunteer Administration Part I: Similarities and Differences
Volunteer Administration Janet Richards Article Download
1978 Volunteer Handbook: A Resource Guide on Volunteerism for Park and Recreation and Heritage Conservation Organizations
U.S. Department of the Interior, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, September 1978 Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1978 Volunteering in Israel
Volunteer Administration Esther Herlitz Article Download
1978 The Hand that Gives, Gathers (cover story)
Boston College Magazine, Volume XLI, Number 1, November 1978 David Horton Smith Article Download
1978 Community and the Bank 1977
Bank of America Sample Download
1978 Winning With Staff: A New Look at Staff Support for Volunteers
National Information Center on Volunteerism, Inc. (NICOV), Boulder, Co Ivan H. Scheier Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1978 The Human Energy Crisis
Voluntary Action Leadership, Summer 1978 Dorothy Kelly Article Download
1978 Volunteer Careers and Skills Development
Volunteer Administration Herta Loeser Article Download
1978 Is Volunteerism in Trouble?
Voluntary Action Leadership, Summer 1978 Article Download
1978 Voluntarism: Much Done, Little Published
HOSPITALS J.A.H.A., Vol. 52, April 1, 1978 Marilyn T. Bryant Article Download
1978 Standards and Guidelines for The Field of Volunteerism
Association of Volunteer Bureaus, Inc. Ann Jacobson Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1978 The Volunteer Administrator
F. Al Mantica F. Al Mantica Report / Study Download
1978 Community Service or Meaningless Ritual?
TV Guide, June 3, 1978 Article Download
1978 Volunteerism and Service-Learning: The 20th Century
SYNERGIST, Spring 1978 Susan J. Ellis Article Download
1978 The Day the Volunteers Didn't
Psychology Today, March 1978 Benjamin DeMott Article Download
1978 Social Responsibility Report 1978
Control Data Sample Download
1978 Volunteering by Religious Groups: The Half-Awake Giant
Voluntary Action Leadership, Winter 1978 Alice Leppert Article Download
1978 Volunteering is Different Now
Options, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, DC Harriet H. Naylor Article Download
1978 Crediting Volunteer Work
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1978 Stephen H. McCurley Article Download
1978 Students as Community Organizers
SYNERGIST magazine, National School Volunteer Program (part of ACTION) Seth Borgos Article Download
1978 Direct Service Volunteer Program Standards
Voluntary Action Leadership, Fall 1978 Article Download
1978 Crediting Volunteer Work
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1978 Stephen H. McCurley Article Download
1978 WANTED: Choir Members
Choristers Guild Sample Download
1978 Volunteers Now Are Getting Choosier -- There are Fewer Women, Although More Men and Students are Stepping Forward
The New York Times, April 16, 1978 Efthalia Walsh Article Download
1978 Volunteer Services
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice Report / Study Download
1978 Volunteer Bureaus -- Priority Solutions
Volunteer Administration Charles B. Spencer Article Download
1978 Insurance Coverage for Volunteers in California State Entities
The Governor's Office for Volunteerism and The Department of General Services, State of California. November 1978 Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1978 Diversity in Service-Learning
Voluntary Action Leadership, Spring 1978 D. Keith Lupton, Denice A. Paonessa Article Download
1978 Marketing for Volunteer Service Organizations: A Case Study
Volunteer Administration D. Martin Sparks, William R. George Article Download
1978 TeenAge Health Consultants
SYNERGIST magazine, National School Volunteer Program (part of ACTION) Catherine V. Jordan, Sandra L. Valle Article Download
1978 The Impact of Volunteerism in the Peace Corps on Career Development and Skill Transferability
International Sociological Association IX World Congress, Special Session on Voluntary Groups in Modern Society, 1978 Mary DeCarlo Report / Study Download
1978 Volunteer Work and Its Rewards
Volunteer Administration Benjamin Gidron Article Download
1978 Getting Results
Workshop Proceedings, ACTION, February 14-15, 1978 Eva Schindler-Rainman Pamphlet / Booklet Download
1978 A Successful Volunteer Program: The Positive Ripple Effect
Institute for Fund Raising Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1978 Volunteers Are Not A "Program"
Volunteer Administration Patty Bouse Article Download
1978 Roles of a Volunteer Co-ordinator: A Checklist
Institute for Fund Raising Handout / Fact Sheet Download
1978 On the Evolution of a Collaboration: A Case Study
Volunteer Administration Ivan H. Scheier Article Download
1978 The New Volunteerism
Schenkman Publishing Barbara Feinstein, Catherine Cavanaugh Book Download
1978 I'm a volunteer. That makes me invisible, right? Wrong!
GLAMOUR magazine, December 1978 Lydia A. Berneski Article Download